Sunday 3 March 2013

Cauliflower Cheese with a Stuffed Mushroom

So last weekend we were away in Nottingham visiting Nel and Duncan in their very fancy abode. We saw the sites of Nottingham: the Castle, Wollaton Hall, wore silly hats in the cold, and even got to sample some of Pete (Master Baker) Mitchell's lemon Drizzle cake. Very nice!!!  It did mean that we were so late home that a Roast was simply out of the question. So this week, even though I am running late again, I'm going for it. And, as I currently have a cauliflower cheese obsession, why not have it with the roast.

The mushrooms:
For the Mushroom filling, I covered some Bulgar wheat with boiling stock and let it rest for half an hour before adding a chopped tomato, some fresh garlic (only 1/4 of a clove for two people), parsley and herbs.

Then in a baking dish I drizzled olive oil over two flat mushrooms, which I then stuffed with the Bulgar mix and covered with a mix of breadcrumbs, cheddar cheese, crushed pistachios and seasoning.

The cauliflower cheese:
As I had baby cauliflower I left them whole. I put each one is a small dish to bake. Or if you're using normal cauliflower then cut into sections and place raw into a larger baking dish.

In a pan, make a roux with butter and flour. Use a good knob of butter and two tablespoons of flour. Then stir until the flour is mixed in with the butter. Add some salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add your milk and cheese and stir continually until you have a thick cheese sauce. This amount serves two.

Pour your cheese sauce over the cauliflower and top with a little more cheddar.

Roast everything for around 40 minutes. Meanwhile I conjured up a nice thick onion gravy. You definitely need some sort of gravy. Recipe to follow ...

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